I'll be the first to admit that I watch way too much TV. But, amazingly, I don't think it really interferes with my life, other than the fact that I'm home Friday and Saturday nights.
My girlfriend is kind enough to allow me to basically watch whatever I want without complaint, until the 8th consecutive hour of sports or news, at which point she goes off. Even if she doesn't like the same shows as me in the beginning, she ends up being a fan at some point. Although, her yell of, "I hate this show," at the end of Lost each week makes me wonder.
But I digress. So last night as I was waiting for 10pm and the latest installment of Lost, I sat with said girlfriend as she watched the 2-hour season premiere of "America's Next Top Model," which featured not 1, but 2 "plus-sized" models and what appears to be a mail-order Russian Bride.
I've never really sat down to watch Tyra (who has a dolphin phobia by the way) and her "American-Idol-For-Somewhat-Attractive-Women" show, but I have seen bits and pieces over the years. But, apparently this is season 8 of the show, ooops, I mean "Cycle" 8.
But here's my issue (ok, 1 of my issues): over the 8 "cycles" of this show, has any of these models become famous in any way besides the girl who married Peter Brady? Here are some names for you, ever heard of any of them?
Adrianne Curry (the one that married Peter Brady)?
No? Yea didn't think so. How can a show that is suppost to find talent, have 8 seasons, I mean cycles, and not produce 1 "top model."
Yoanna House...? How much you pay for it...? How high are the interest rates...? Is it in a nice neighborhood...?
Adrianne Curry? - I'm sure she does...
Yoanna House? - We've been through this.
Eva Pigford? No, I have never pigforded.
Naima More? Just a little.
Nicole Linkletter? It says here she did.
Danille Evans? I have nothing for this...
CariDee English? I think she's British.
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